Monday, 25 November 2013

The Stafford Centre Walking Group - Tuesday 25 November, 2013

The Walking Group all 12 of them went for a great walk through Juniper Green today, great time and exercise had by all, although somewhat chilly, looking forward to the next walk!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Stafford Centre - on the road

What a great day at the White House in Craigmillar.  We all had such a great time, met over 25 folk, nice food, great coffee and tea's.  Lovely relaxation group and a fantastic music group to end the day.  Thanks to all, our peer volunteers, staff at the White House and all the great people of Craigmillar for making our first 'on the road' so good!

Monday, 18 November 2013

Spring clean!

Everyone was very surprised today to come in to see John's in tray so tidy, and empty!  Well done John keep up the good work.

Thursday, 14 November 2013


Well we are cooking up a storm today in the kitchen Mahboob is showing us all how to make a curry sauce and home made chapattis , it smells fantastic, can't wait to taste them!

Monday, 11 November 2013

Remembering Armistice Day, Walking Group in the Botanics

The Walking Group all went into the Botanic Gardens today to remember and have a two minutes silence on the 11th day of the 11th month and 11th hour, it was a very beautiful setting to remember thosewho have fought for our country.

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Fabulous walking group

We think you'll agree just how good Colinton Dell was looking for the walking group this week, and thanks to Sam for the wonderful pictures

Monday, 4 November 2013

CEO - AGM talk

Can you please pass on my very grateful thanks to the staff and your members who contributed so much to making our event a success.   Those who came brought ideas, energy and enthusiasm and the support I felt for the organisation was really overwhelming.  I also read the newsletter where both Mandz and Mike spoke so positively about their experience and their optimism for what we can do next together.
I am   determined to follow up on this and not let the event be just a lot of talking with no action and we will be hoping that your members remain involved and keeping us on track as we roll out the membership work and the other ideas that came up on the day.
Many thanks from me, Frances Simpson, to all of you for your time, effort, energy and support.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Happy Birthday!!

 And as well as everyone at the Music and Karaoke groups it was John's birthday so 'Happy Birthday', fab chocolate cake and a great day!

Busy day!!!

Well, what a busy day at the centre, over 40 folk in today some for the music group, and our Karaoke